Fishing onboard schooner NEPTUN - Join the crew now 10 Feb, 2023

Fishing on NEPTUN

One of the best sources of nutrition when long-distance sailing is freshly caught fish. At SV Neptun we strive to live as sustainably as possible while maintaining a respect for the sea around us. We have all the equipment in fishing gear, both for the small fish and the really big fish. Depending on the sailing area, there are many exciting fish to catch, for example tuna, mahi or dorado. We try to catch only the amount we can use ourselves, but if we catch more than we can eat, we give the rest to the locals. As well as being a great activity that employs the whole crew, catching fish is a great way to reduce communal costs.

Wahoo fish on the hook!

Underwater hunting

In addition to catching fish with traditional fishing tackle, there is also the opportunity to actively catch fish using harpoons and spears. Here you move silently and freely through the water - and you can keep doing this for as long as you like, especially when the water is nice and warm. Underwater hunting is also one of the most gentle and selective ways to fish, catching only what you hunt.

Crap fishing