Captains (b)log 005 - Cruising the Caribbean 21 Mar, 2024

Captains (b)log 005 - Cruising the Caribbean

Sailing in the Caribbean Archipelago

On January 13, NEPTUN arrived in Grenada in the Caribbean after a good Atlantic crossing.

Until now, the ship and crew have been exposed to almost every imaginable condition and challenges to get NEPTUN safely to the Caribbean. It has been a hard and long journey which is now over. Ahead of us are short distances in the Caribbean sea, tropical weather and beaches lined with coconut palms.

Crew change

Grenada welcomed NEPTUN and the crew when we arrived in Port Louis Marina.
After tidying up and cleaning on board, the crew adjourned to a local restaurant to celebrate the arrival, but also to say goodbye to departing crew members.
Since Skive, there has been a team of strong young people aboard NEPTUN to join an adventure beyond the ordinary.
Saying goodbye to crew members is always hard. After a long time together on board, you become like a new family together. Just like in a family, we have had our difficult and tough moments together, at the same time as the life-affirming and adventurous experiences.
All in all, it’s been a good and tough ride so far.

Saying goodbye is not only a negative thing. This means that we all get a little distance and get the opportunity to process some of the experiences we have had and see them from a different perspective.
Saying goodbye also means we have to say “hello” or welcome to new things.
In this case, there were 4 new and excited crew members ready to join NEPTUN in Grenada - all Danes.

Grenada & Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

After a good stay in Port Louis Marina, a large provisioning and a few trips ashore, the crew was ready to set sail for a nearby island that not many people know about - Carriacou.
A little pearl north of Grenada, where not much happens. On the other hand, the beaches are fantastically beautiful and life goes at a slightly different pace.

Here we launched SOFIE (our small boat) in the water and made it possible to visit distant bays in a Danish-built wooden dinghy.

In Grenada we also acquired (thanks to Ulla) a new Dinghy (inflatable boat) which we now call Ulla.
ULLA will now be used to transport the crew to and from shore at our anchorages.

Victoria, Ulla and Therese is training in our Dinghy ULLA

Carriacou, Grenada

After a few lovely days sailing out of Hillsborough on Carriacou, NEPTUN set sail again - This time towards Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

Here was the first stop on the island of Bequia, which in many ways reminds of the quiet life of Carriacou.

Here the last of the “old” crew signed off, and a full crew change had now taken place.

Plantation Hotel, Bequia

From Bequia some of the crew took the local ferry to Kingstown to see Saint Vincent’s “big city”.

The Local Market, Kingstown


The sweet life in the Caribbean has begun for NEPTUN and we are enjoying it! -

Thanks for reading along!