Learn traditional rigging & seamanship when refitting schooner NEPTUN to a brigantine 07 Sep, 2023

Become a volunteer in Panama with board and lodging paid

From 03 January - 30 March 2025, NEPTUN will carry out a major refit in Panama, where a new keel will be constructed and a new rig will be made - NEPTUN will now be a schooner brig.

This means that the association is looking for 30-50 volunteers who are ready to muster in Panama and work hard for several months so that NEPTUN can be transformed into what we dream of.

Apply now:

Write an email to kontakt@svneptun.dk, in which you specify your skills and experience as well as how long you wish to participate. Participants who want to be with you for a longer period or the entire period. Please also indicate which team you want to work on: Rigging team, Sailmaker team, Machine team, Carpenter team.

We are looking for both experienced and inexperienced sailors and riggers.
The aim, in addition to rebuilding NEPTUN, is also to create competences. Therefore, we want a handful of competent people as well as people who are very willing to learn new things.

What needs to be done?

(Rigging team) New standing rig:

A new rig must be constructed, wire must be dressed, wire spliced, steel harnesses made and practical seamanship in all forms made. We must have taken down the masts, after which the Machine Team will start welding new fittings in the masts, so that we can have the mærs and salling made. Meanwhile, all the new standing rig needs to be prepared and dressed, spliced ​​and made ready for installation. It is then mounted on the masts before they are put back on board. When the masts are in place, the wire ties must be made and the rig must be tightened. Subsequently, round halyards and running rig must be installed at the same time as new waviness must be made on both tops.

(Sailmaking team) New sails:

While the rafts are being constructed by the Carpentry team, new sails must be sewn for NEPTUN. We must have raw sails. We have to make 5 new sails, so we have raw sails on the foretop and a large and nice gaffed sail on the main top.

(Machinery team) Conversions in the engine room and welding tasks:

The old SULZER is to be renovated and major alterations are to be made in the engine room. In addition, in collaboration with the shipyard, a new keel must be constructed and welded on NEPTUN.
The masts that are taken down must have new fittings made and many new parts must be constructed to get a traditional rig up and running!

(Carpentry team) New yards, top, crosstree and fittings aloft:

New yards, logs and wood for the various rig parts must be constructed.
In addition, new accommodation must also be built on the track as the old accommodation will be dismantled to get all the ballast out of the ship’s hull.